Update v1.1.0

This update includes many bugfixes, QoL changes, and balancing improvements. I generally preserve builds submitted to a jam, but in this case, I wanted to include these changes in this edition. It doesn’t change the core experience of the game, but should make that experience smoother.

Here’s the list of changes:

  • Balances economy for crypto route to be 2x easier.
  • Adds tile highlighting with certain tools.
  • Adds chunking to sold goods so they can be picked up faster.
  • Makes blackmarket items cheaper.
  • Updates some of the dialogue.
  • Beautifies the world.
  • Increases in-game hour from 5 to 6 seconds in realtime.
  • Adds more game over scenarios and improves endings.
  • Adds goal meter.
  • Adds a new goal message.
  • Adds message about jumping over fences.
  • Adds indicator when a trade is unaffordable.
  • Adds indicator that some merchants don’t buy stolen goods.
  • Themes buttons, panels, dialogue box, game over screen, and progress bars.
  • Tweaks player movement.
  • Fixes pathfinding on some guard dogs.
  • Fixes input bug on credits scene.
  • Updates font sizes on credits.
  • Completes attribution/credits.
  • Adds day/night cycle to bg world in main menu.
  • Fixes looping of bg world in main menu.
  • Makes the game fullscreen by default.
  • Fixes progress bar on loading scene.
  • Fixes bug with game restarting into black screen.
  • Fixes game restarting paused.
  • Fixes crash when traversing pause menu -> main menu -> game.
  • Adds music to main menu.


harvest-hill-gwj-62-edition-html5.zip Play in browser
Version 8 Oct 27, 2023
harvest-hill-gwj-62-edition-linux.zip 39 MB
Version 7 Oct 27, 2023
HarvestHill.zip 62 MB
Version 6 Oct 27, 2023
harvest-hill-gwj-62-edition-win.zip 38 MB
Version 6 Oct 27, 2023

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